Loneliness in PLWD

As people age they often find themselves spending more time at home alone. This can affect their health and well-being.

Loneliness may also be bad for brain health. It has been linked to poorer cognitive function and higher risk for dementia, including and especially for Alzheimer’s disease.

There are things one can do to help protect themselves or a loved one from the negative effects of loneliness.

If you or a loved one has dementia and lives alone, family members, friends, or other caregivers may be able to help in different ways.

  • Identify a person you trust, such as a neighbor, who can visit regularly in-person or via a video call and be an emergency contact.
  • Learn about home- and community-based support and services from social service agencies, local nonprofits, and Area Agencies on Aging.
  • Stay connected with family and friends through video chats, email, and social media. If you’re not tech savvy, ask for help to learn.
  • Talk with others who share common interests. Try a support group online or in person. Maybe your community has a memory café you can visit — a safe place to enjoy activities and socialize for people living with memory loss and their families and caregivers.

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